Quantas Verses Tm O Windows 7?

Quantas verses tm o Windows 7

It's now less than a year until Windows 7 goes out of mainstream support; after January 14, 2020, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates or support for PCs running Windows 7 -- unless you want to pay extra, of course.

"I'm optimistic about the vast majority of organizations making the move by 2020, but it certainly won't be 100 percent. Some will consider other alternatives -- like ChromeOS, for example -- which we've seen increasingly adopted in enterprise use cases," says Hewitt.


StatCounter and NetMarketShare, by contrast, report only aggregate numbers and not actual numbers of visits. The analytics are targeted to commercial, ad-supported websites.

I first wrote about the problems with this data three years ago (see Net Market Share vs. StatCounter: Whose online measurements can you trust?). A fresh look at current data reveals that those problems still exist.

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      Windows 11 setup: Which user account type should you choose?

According to Forrester's survey of infrastructure decision-makers, 56 percent of company-issued PCs are currently running Windows 10 -- up eight percent from last year, and 18 percent from the year before. "This shift is happening at a quick rate, but as you can see, there's still quite a ways to go before everyone is shifted over to Windows 10," says Hewitt.

Those methodological details offer one highly plausible explanation for why XP usage appears to be so much higher on NetMarketShare (and to a lesser extent on StatCounter) than on the DAP numbers.

Microsoft will offer extended support options for Windows 10 PCs, for a price

Where the three sources diverge most dramatically is in their measurement of how many people are still using Windows XP, which has been unsupported for nearly three years. NetMarket Share says a staggering 9.1 percent of its visitors use XP, while DAP shows XP usage down near Vista levels, under 2 percent.

The following series of tables offer a summary of Windows usage worldwide over the second half of 2016. (Note that for the sake of apples-to-apples comparisons, I have normalized the StatCounter numbers so that they represent the same population of Windows PCs as the other two data sources.)

And then there's the question of those stubborn Windows 7 users. I suspect most of them are holding on to this aging but still serviceable OS because they understand how to manage it and don't have to deal with the update headaches of Windows as a Service.



Today, I suspect that the Windows 10 installed base has grown to roughly a third of PCs in use worldwide, which would put the base of monthly active users at 500 million. (I'm hoping Microsoft will update that number next month when it announces availability dates for the Windows 10 Creators Update.)

So why hasn't everyone updated yet? One reason is that businesses have legacy apps that aren't compatible with Windows 10 and they don't know what to do about it, or they have not yet done their application compatibility testing -- a key migration milestone. Some are concerned about the frequency of Windows updates and don't have the processes in place to adequately respond, and some are concerned about cost.

Windows 10

Hewitt predicts that even by the 2020 date, we won't be seeing full Windows 10 adoption, as some organisations are comfortable waiting longer before they make these changes. There are also some non-standard devices, like ruggedized devices, that will run Windows 7 for quite some time, he says.

As my colleague Steve Ranger noted earlier this week, the shift to Windows 10 is following that familiar pattern, with the current corporate standard OS, Windows 7, hanging on tenaciously.


I've been following the same transition, and my view of how it's playing out differs a bit from Steve's. Part of the difference of opinion is just a matter of interpretation, of course, but a larger part comes from the data itself.

A few years ago, getting customers to shift to the newest version of Windows might have been a make-or-break project for Microsoft, but it's no longer just the Windows company these days.

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Os 6 melhores antivírus de 2020

  1. Bitdefender Antivírus. Imagem: Reprodução/Bitdefender.
  2. Norton Antivírus. Imagem: Reprodução/Norton. ...
  3. Kaspersky Antivírus. Imagem: Reprodução/Kaspersky. ...
  4. Trend Micro Antivírus. Imagem: Reprodução/Trend Micro. ...
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  • 5 – Anúncios. ...
  • 6 – Está com os problemas acima?