1-put the sentences into the negative and into the interrogative.a) cecilia was a teacher.b) James and i were in New York last week.c) The birds were hungryd) you were late yesterday.e) she was my girlfriend.f) Bill was in his bedroom.

1-put the sentences into the negative and into the interrogative.a) cecilia was a teacher.b) James and i were in New York last week.c) The birds were hungryd) you were late yesterday.e) she was my girlfriend.f) Bill was in his bedroom. Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

1-put the sentences into the negative and into the interrogative.a) cecilia was a teacher.b) James and i were in New York last week.c) The birds were hungryd) you were late yesterday.e) she was my girlfriend.f) Bill was in his bedroom.

A) Cecilia wasn’t a teacher.Was Cecilia a teacher? b) James and I weren’t in New York last week.Were we in New York last week? c) The birds weren’t hungry.Were the birds hungry? d) You weren’t late yesterday.Were you late yesterday? e) She wasn’t my girlfriend.Was she my girlfriend? f) Bill wasn’t in his bedroom.Was Bill in his bedroom?