Is Nocturne A JG?

Is Nocturne a JG?

Yes, Nocturne is a good jungler.

Is Nocturne a jungle or MID?

One particular pick that's been picking up recent game time in FPX's drafts is Nocturne mid lane. More typically seen as a jungle pick, Nocturne is an all-in roaming assassin with an almost unparalleled ability to create space on the map.

What items should I buy for Nocturne?

Nocturne Item Build
  • Duskblade of Draktharr.
  • Mercury's Treads.
  • Youmuu's Ghostblade.
  • Edge of Night.
  • Death's Dance.

Where can I play Nocturne?

While Nocturne is most commonly played in Jungle to take advantage of the more global pressure he can apply with his Ult, he can still do well in some lane matchups. Nocturne top and Nocturne mid are viable laning choices against other assassins and many other melee champions.

Is LOL Nocturne good?

With a 53.45% win rate in the jungle, Nocturne is the absolute best pick to climb as a jungler according to the win rates. He still has an effective clear in the jungle and can pull off unexpected ganks whenever he hits level 6.

Who counters Nocturne?

Nocturne Counter Pick2 more rows

Is Nocturne good for beginners?

Nocturne is a pretty decent beginner jungling champion. He's even featured on the free champion rotation for players who just joined the game.

Is Nocturne an ADC?

Statistical LoL Nocturne One For All ADC Build Guide, 11.16....3 more rows

Is Nocturne a bad Jungler?

Nothing about him makes him a bad jungler, he's just outclassed by other picks at the moment. He's a strong duelist in the early game, but has relatively little sticking power then, so he has a hard time punishing tanks (which are the meta junglers).

Is Nocturne easy LoL?

Nocturne is a difficult champion to play at first glance, however, its his usefulness in 1v1 fights (he is an assassin after all) that makes him a valuable asset to early game teams. However, the way you play him changes dependent on what and how you build.

Who counters Nocturne in jungle?

Nocturne Counter Pick2 more rows•

Is Nocturne easy to play?

Nocturne is easy to learn and doesn't take hundreds of games to learn like some champions in the game. ... This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along. R is an incredibly strong tool.

How do you deal with the Fed Nocturne?

Take Ninja Tabis, that will hurt his damage a lot. If not Tabis, get a GA (or just get both) and let your team know to be ready for him. Once Nocturne is in a fight, he doesn't have a way out other than flashing, so your team should be able to kill him while you're in the GA stasis.

Is Nocturne worth playing lol?

Nocturne is an excellent game, with an outstanding story, character design and challenging gameplay. ... But if you enjoy RPG games, and can appreciate a good story, this one is a game you must definitely try.

Who beats Nocturne?

Nocturne Counter Pick2 more rows

What is the easiest Nocturne to play?

I find the very first nocturne (Op. 9, No. 1 in B-flat minor) to be the easiest. It also feels a bit more simplistic as a composition, compared to Chopin's later nocturnes.

Does QSS stop Nocturne?


Who is Nocturne strong against?

Nocturne Counter Pick The strongest counter would be Nunu, a easy to play champion who currently has a Win Rate of 53.31% (Good) and Play Rate of 4.25% (High).