Was Dark Phoenix A Flop?

Was Dark Phoenix a flop? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Was Dark Phoenix a flop?

Opening at just $32.8 million, Dark Phoenix didn't even finish in first place during its first weekend and earned the lowest total gross in X-Men movie history, finishing its run with $252 million worldwide. ... Not that Dark Phoenix was the only flop or franchise-killer in 2019.

Is Dark Phoenix actually dead?

It's clear when Dark Phoenix wraps up that her fellow X-Men believe she's dead, but the sighting of that flaming phoenix is a not-so-subtle indicator she's still alive. And that's par for the course when it comes to comic book storytelling; most of the time, the characters never stay permanently dead.

Is Dark Phoenix a villain?

Dark Phoenix is the name given to Jean Grey after she became corrupted by the Hellfire Club and turned into a vastly powerful supervillain who proceeded to cause chaos across the universe until being defeated in a battle that supposedly claimed her life (of course Jean Grey was later revealed alive) - although modern ...

Is the phoenix good or evil?

As the Phoenix was the light and life of the universe, the Dark Phoenix represented power and destruction. The Phoenix became Dark Phoenix due to allowing human emotions to cloud its judgment. In this state, Phoenix was the strongest, but also an evil entity that thirsted for power and destruction.

What's Next After Dark Phoenix?

So to be perfectly clear: none of the events of the original three “X-Men” movies are going to take place after “Dark Phoenix.” By going back in time and changing things, he created a new future. ... The new sequence of events is: “First Class” -> the 1973 parts of “Days of Future Past” -> “Apocalypse” -> “Dark Phoenix.”

Why is raven dead Dark Phoenix?

Even the first Dark Phoenix trailer hinted that Jennifer Lawrence's Mystique, aka Raven, might die. Sure enough, the film's first act ends with Jean Grey losing control; she accidentally sends Mystique flying with a telekinetic blast, and the shapeshifter is killed after getting impaled by a broken piece of wood.

Is Jean Grey stronger than Thanos?

Jean Grey does not have super strength. She has many powers which are strong by themselves, but in terms of physical strength she is much weaker than Thanos.

Is Scarlet Witch immune to the Phoenix Force?

Scarlet Witch has the ability to resist the Phoenix Force and can cause pain to its hosts. When Cyclops killed Professor X, he took on the persona of the Dark Phoenix, forcing Wanda and Hope Summers to join their powers and take him down.

Can a human become a Phoenix?

The Phoenix in Lore The phoenix is a beautiful, colorful fire-bird found in cultures including Greek, Persian and Chinese. It is very long-lived, and near the end of its life it builds a nest. The bird and the nest then combust, and from the ashes a new phoenix is born. In some few stories the bird can take human form.

Is Phoenix the most powerful mutant?

What is the Dark Phoenix's power? Jean Grey is what's known as an Omega level mutant, having been born with powers of telepathy and telekinesis. ... Dark Phoenix is Jean Grey's powers - but amplified - so she is one of the most powerful beings in the universe.