VDM specifically stands for Vehicle Death Match, whilst RDM stands for Random Death Match. These two are not the only abbreviations to learn, but they're two of the most common situations novice roleplayers find themselves in.
If a player doesn't follow the GTA RP rules, then it isn't fun for some poor sap trying to play the game the way they want to play it. Instead, they might be forced to uncharacteristically defend themselves if they're constantly getting griefed by another player. Like in VDM, RDM can get players kicked from a server.
Different GTA RP servers have different rules. Some may be more chaotic and lawless than others. Even in the more "lawful" servers, there may be a character or two that's unhinged for one reason or another. For example, if a player finds themselves randomly killed after an incident with road rage following a VDM, it could play into the story if executed well in the game.
Out of Character ou OCC é quando um jogador age fora do personagem em GTA RP. Essa atitude fere o princípio básico do game, que consiste em interpretar uma figura própria do jogo. Players que abusarem de práticas assim podem sofrer consequências e punições nos servidores que, como já dito, possuem suas regras internas que podem ser bastante rígidas.
First, you’ll need a computer with enough hardware components to load GTA 5 with a stable 60 FPS (frames per second). Sometimes you could break the immersion if the video game randomly stops working or “hangs” when loading parts of the city.
Já VDM é um termo derivado do RDM e significa Vehicle Deathmatch, ou seja, é o ato de cometer um RDM, mas utilizando um veículo. Atropelar um grupo de jogadores com um carro ou moto, por exemplo, é um VDM. Em servidores mais rígidos, a atitude também pode levar ao banimento do server para os jogadores.
Believe it or not, these abbreviations are not the only one of their kind. There are dozens of abbreviations for GTA RP servers, some of which might be specific to certain servers. Considering streamers and YouTubers might use these terms frequently, it is important for players to understand them (especially so they know not to violate the rules).
More often than, this offense has the same weight as the RDM, which means that there are possible sanctions. We know that accidents can occur, and what happens next is crucial.
Random Deathmatch ou RDM é o ato de um jogador matar outro sem motivo aparente, como aponta uma tradução livre do termo “Mata-mata aleatório”. Atirar em uma multidão aleatoriamente, por exemplo, configura um RDM. Essa atitude pode não ser bem vista dentro de servidores, já que o game é levado bastante a sério, então, em alguns casos, um RDM pode causar um banimento do server.
You should check other players first to avoid this “mistake” when you’re inside a GTA RP server. Currently, you can find different streams on Twitch that can show you how to stay in character (IC),
If VDM happens by accident, and neither player is interested in roleplaying the situation out, then that's fine. On the opposite spectrum, the offending party can make up an excuse for why it happened. It's GTA RP, so the player can be creative with whatever happens.
Whitelist nada mais é do que um cadastro em um servidor. Em geral, aprovação consiste em entrevista e/ou prova na qual os avaliadores aferem o conhecimento do jogador em GTA RP. Na maioria dos servidores é necessário fazer uma whitelist para poder entrar.
Not every situation lasts for an hour or so in a GTA RP server. So players don't have to worry too much about what to do. Some GTA RP servers might be overly authoritarian and ban players for doing it once, but the respectable servers will likely give a warning.
First, they add modifications to the game, which makes it more complex. For example, the modders add more functions to the cell phone, giving you an option to “call” another player and have a private voice chat.
GTA RP works best when everybody immerses themselves into the game. By performing VDM willingly, the player often takes away some of that immersion. Some griefers may also abuse VDM, so it's pretty easy to identify. Griefers will also likely do some RDM alongside VDM.
Lastly (and optional), you could use the GTA RP experience when you stream or record your gameplay. Many in-game situations are amusing to watch when everyone tries their best to make a roleplay scenario.
These situations are undoubtedly hard to control due to the lack of restrictions from the original game. If you have any experience in GTA Online, you’ll probably meet a random player that wants to “roleplay” as a troll and shoot everyone.
MG ou Metagaming consiste em abusar de informações externas ao game para tirar vantagem durante a jogabilidade. Por exemplo: é possível que você esteja em um servidor de algum criador de conteúdo e já conheça com detalhes o personagem dele. O seu personagem, no entanto, não conhece nada disso e, por isso, deve agir dessa maneira. Aproveitar de informações externas ao jogo, o MG, também é uma ação proibida.
More specifically, VDM refers to when a player hits another player's vehicle or just hits another player with one's own vehicle. This is a kickable offense for some servers if it isn't roleplayed out, as it kills immersion to have somebody just ram their vehicle into another's for no discernible reason. It is especially bad if somebody is trying to grief, without it making sense in the context of their characterization.
After a while, you might want to “erase” your character for good in a GTA RP server. Instead of erasing the information straight away, you need to “kill” your character for good. Usually, first, you’ll need to announce the permadeath to the admins. Lastly, you’ll need to have an in-game accident and let the character die.