How Does Sayid Die In Lost?

How does Sayid die in Lost?

After this, Sayid lived in the Man in Black's group in an almost blank-like state. After speaking with Desmond, he broke out of this state and was later redeemed when he sacrificed himself aboard Widmore's submarine, exploding while carrying the Man in Black's bomb.

Is Sayid bad in Lost?

As such, Sayid is not healed after being submerged and does in fact die. However two hours later he apparently comes back to life. Dogen believes this is because he has been infected by a 'sickness' linked to the Man in Black and believes he is evil as a result - something he thinks also happened to Claire.

Who killed Sayid's wife?

According to The Incident, Parts 1 & 2-Enhanced transcript, Bakir was the one who killed Nadia, indeed. Out all of the main characters. Nadia only met Sayid, Charlie, Locke, Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Miles. She met Sayid, Charlie, and Locke before the Oceanic 815 crash, and met Jack, Kate, and Hurley after their rescue.

Do Shannon and Sayid break up?

Despite their cultural and social differences, Sayid and Shannon eventually got back together and that culminated in a romantic night Sayid had planned out for her. ... When Sayid saw the vision himself however, he told her he believed her and they told each other that they loved each other.

Does Walt die in Lost?

Walt is one of the five original Main Characters still alive at the end of the series. Walt is also one of the few confirmed Oceanic Flight 815 survivors by the end of the series, along with Zach, Emma, Kate, Sawyer, Claire, Aaron, Hurley, Cindy, Rose, Bernard and Vincent.

Does everyone die in Lost?

So when did everyone die on Lost? ... Sayid dies midway through season six saving his friends from a bomb, and Sun and Jin die later in the same episode, drowning together in a sinking submarine. And Jack dies at the end of the series finale, after being stabbed by the Man in Black.

Is Michael a bad guy in Lost?

Staying power: Michael was one of the primary victims of the listless Season 3, shuffled off because they didn't know what to do with him and brought back too late for it to matter. He was never so much a villain as a guy who was lost and let down by his writers. For more on Lost and the Lost finale go here.

Why did they drown Sayid Lost?

Sayid got infected because he was bathed in the temple's water just like Ben.

Who killed Sayid?

That night, Sayid shoots his target accurately, but ultimately winds up captured by the remaining three Others. Hurley runs over Ryan Pryce using the DHARMA Van which kills him and when the other walks in front of Sayid, Sayid trips him up and snaps his neck with his feet, killing him.

What happened to Ben in Lost?

Seasons five and six. When Locke leaves the island to bring the survivors back to the island, Ben tracks him down. He gets Locke to reveal what he knows about returning to the island, then kills him and stages it as a suicide.

Is Shannon dead in Lost?

Shannon runs after him, only to be accidentally shot by Ana Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez), who mistakes her for an Other. She dies moments later in Sayid's arms. ... In the series finale "The End" Boone is being attacked by someone outside a local bar, with Hurley and Sayid watching from afar.

Who poisoned Michael Lost?

Michael suspects Sawyer and kicks him off the raft. Sawyer suspects Kate is the one who poisoned Michael, so Sawyer reveals to everyone that Kate was the prisoner on the plane. As proof, he shows everyone that Kate had doctored the passport of a deceased castaway so that she would be able to escape the authorities.

Who does Sayid end up with?

Nadia At a press conference held by Oceanic Airlines Sayid is finally reunited with Nadia, and some time later the two get married.

Who killed the most in lost?

The Man In Black - 1 The Man In Black - 47 Serving as the primary antagonist of Lost, The Man in Black has also racked up the highest body count by a considerable margin. The Man in Black is responsible for upwards of 47 deaths - most of whom were killed through his Smoke Monster form.

Does Sayid turn good again?

Sayid leaves the Temple after being asked by Dogen to kill the Smoke Monster with a blade. However, the knife proves worthless but the Smoke Monster (in Locke's form) allows Sayid to live and return to the temple with a message. Sayid indeed returns and warns everyone to leave or else they will all die.

Is Alex really Ben's daughter in Lost?

Family. Alexandra Rousseau, commonly known as Alex, was the biological daughter of Danielle Rousseau and Robert. When she was one week old, she was taken from her mother by Benjamin Linus, who raised her as an Other.

Is Jacob real on Lost?

Jacob (Iacob in Latin) is a fictional character of the ABC television series Lost played by Mark Pellegrino. He was first mentioned as the true leader of the Others by Ben Linus and was described as a "great man" that was also "brilliant", "powerful" and "unforgiving".