Should I Install Ruby With DevKit?

Should I install Ruby with DevKit?

Install Ruby and the Ruby DevKit. Ruby is the programming language that Jekyll is written in. You'll need to install Ruby and the corresponding DevKit, which is needed to build some of Jekyll's dependencies as “native extensions”.

Where is Ruby DevKit installed?

Throughout the book I'll assume DevKit is located at C:\Ruby\DevKit . You have to take some precautions if you want to assure proper DevKit functioning. If you have Cygwin or other MSYS/MinGW build tools in the path you should remove them.

Do I need MSYS2 for Ruby?

The Devkit versions install the MSYS2 system, which will be required if you need to install RubyGems that require compilation. ... If you want to work on a Ruby on Rails app, you'll definitely need to compile gems, so you need the Devkit.

How do I know if Ruby is installed?

To check if Ruby installed correctly, open the Run dialog box ( Windows Key + R ) and type powershell . In the PowerShell window type in the command ruby -v . If everything went well you should see a message like ruby 1.9.

Can Ruby on Rails run on Windows?

Most Ruby on Rails tutorials and dependencies work best on Linux, so this allows you to get the best of both worlds. A Windows machine for your day to day work, and a Linux subsystem for Ruby on Rails development. This only works on 64-bit installations of Windows.

What is the Ruby DevKit?

The DevKit is a toolkit that makes it easy to build and use native C/C++ extensions such as RDiscount and RedCloth for Ruby on Windows. Simply download, double-click, choose an installation directory, run the Ruby install helper script, possibly tweak a config.

How do I check my Ruby DevKit version?

If there is msys64 catalog in your Ruby installation folder, it means that's MSYS2 is there. In order to check which version is installed, open Command Prompt and run the following line C:\Ruby25-x64\msys64\mingw64\bin>gcc --version (within the proper directory on your computer of course).

How do I change Ruby version?

Ruby versions (updating)
  1. Upgrade ruby (using rvm) sudo rvm get head. ...
  2. Install bundler. gem install bundler.
  3. Go to application root directory and install gems. cd APPLICATION_ROOT. ...
  4. Install Easy Redmine. rake easyproject:install RAILS_ENV=production.
  5. You may also need to change the ruby version in a startup script.

How do I know if I have Ruby Rbenv?

You can see if it is using rbenv by typing which ruby and it should print something out with . rbenv/ whatever. If not you need to set rbenv as your current ruby. You can do that like rbenv global 2.1.

Which Ruby version should I use?

Well the very obvious answer would be use the latest and stable version of Ruby. Considering your requests and vision for Ruby, Rails that are being up-grading process suggest to go the latest version of Ruby.

How do I run a Ruby file?

Run a script
  1. Press Ctrl twice to invoke the Run Anything popup.
  2. Type the ruby script. rb command and press Enter . ...
  3. (Optional) To run scratch files or scripts outside the project root, hold down the Alt key before running the command (in this case, the dialog title is changed to Run in Context).

Is Ruby an open source?

Ruby on Rails is open source software, so not only is it free to use, you can also help make it better. More than 5,000 people already have contributed code to Rails.

Can Ruby run on Windows?

There are two ways to run Ruby on Windows. The more straightforward method is to use the Ruby installer to install all the software packages required. The more robust method is to install the Linux subsystem on Windows 10, then use Linux commands to install Ruby.

What is msys32?

MSYS2 is a collection of tools and libraries providing you with an easy-to-use environment for building, installing and running native Windows software. ... MSYS2 provides up-to-date native builds for GCC, mingw-w64, CPython, CMake, Meson, OpenSSL, FFmpeg, Rust, Ruby, just to name a few.

How do I know if I have ruby Rbenv?

You can see if it is using rbenv by typing which ruby and it should print something out with . rbenv/ whatever. If not you need to set rbenv as your current ruby. You can do that like rbenv global 2.1.

How can I use an older version of ruby?

To use any of the versions, simply type rvm or rvm use and to know which Ruby you are currently using type the command below. You should now see the Ruby version you chose previously.

Is Python similar to Ruby?

There are many differences and similarities between Python and Ruby programming languages. Ruby is a dynamic, open source, object-oriented and reflective programming language. Ruby is considered similar to Perl and Smalltalk programming languages. ... Guido Van Rossum is known as the founder of python programming.

What is current Ruby version?

3.0.2 The current stable version is 3.0.2. Please be sure to read Ruby's License.

How do you say hello world in Ruby?

rb that you created, you need to write a single line of code that prints the string Hello World! to your terminal. To print in Ruby, you need to use the method puts which is short for "out*put s*tring." And because Hello World! is a string, you need to surround your text with "" . puts "Hello World!"

Which is better Python or Ruby?

Python is faster than Ruby, but they're both in a category of interpreted languages. Your fastest language is always going to be one that's compiled down to byte code or object code right on the computer. ... It makes the development cycle a lot faster, but they are slower languages.