Will There Be A Star Trek Number 4?

Will there be a Star Trek number 4? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Will there be a Star Trek number 4?

Paramount has dated Star Trek 4's theatrical bow for J. Seeing as how it's only in the script stage and no cast or official title have been announced, a two-plus year wait for fans from now seems about right.

Is there another Star Trek movie coming out?

New 'Star Trek' movie slated for 2023 lands 'Wandavision' director Matt Shakman. A report from Deadline states the as-yet untitled "Star Trek" movie slated to be released in 2023 will be directed by Matt Shakman. This has also been confirmed by Paramount Pictures.

What does the NCC stand for in NCC 1701?

Naval Construction Contract NCC is the Starfleet abbreviation for "Naval Construction Contract", comparable to what the U.S. Navy would call a hull number. Jefferies rejected 3, 6, 8, and 9 as "too easily confused" on screen; he eventually reasoned the Enterprise was the first vessel of Starfleet's 17th starship design, hence 1701.

How old is Chris Pine?

41 years (Aug) Chris Pine/Age

How fast is Warp 9 in Star Trek?

900 billion kilometers per hour Thus warp 9 corresponds to a speed of 900 billion kilometers per hour (= 250 million kilometers per second) or about 830 times the speed of light.

Why did they need whales in Star Trek?

To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. Kirk and his fugitive crew go back in time to San Francisco in 1986 to retrieve the only beings who can communicate with it: humpback whales.To save Earth from an alien probe, Admiral James T. ...