Is Laura Wolverine&039;s Daughter?

Is Laura Wolverine's daughter?

Laura was apparently the clone and later adoptive daughter of Wolverine, created to be the perfect killing machine. ... It is revealed later that she is not a clone but biological daughter of Wolverine. Like her father, Laura has a regenerative healing factor and enhanced senses, speed, and reflexes.

When did Laura become Wolverine?

That is very similar to what happens in the comics. In a 2014 series, Logan dies and Laura becomes the one and only Wolverine in the books. She wears her own version of the classic yellow costume and even gets a pet Wolverine named Jonathan, which would be pretty great to see onscreen.

Why does Laura have foot claws?

The scientists behind the project wanted to just make a straight-up clone of Logan. However, their genetic sample is damaged, and they can't use Logan's Y chromosome. ... In Logan, the claws are totally artificial, so the real reason she has them between her toes is because that's how Laura looks in the comics.

Who is Sarah in Wolverine?

Sarah Kinney, the scientist who carried Laura's cloned body to term and considered a motherly figure to the X-Man, has her DNA inside Laura as well. Therefore, just as Logan is considered X-23's father, Sarah is confirmed to be her mother.

What does Logan say to Laura at the end?

"There are no more guns in the valley" is an emotional scene in Logan, with the dual purpose of Laura saying goodbye to her father and fans saying goodbye to Hugh Jackman's Wolverine.

Is Laura in New Mutants?

These images of mutant children being forced to use their powers in a hospital look eerily similar to the mutant children that were bred in the hospital Laura (Dafne Keen) escapes from in the 2017 movie Logan. ... His powers gave him the ability to incorporate mutant DNA into his own genes and thus inherit their abilities.

Why do they want Laura in Logan?

When the X-23 project was deemed a failure after the success of the X-24 project, X-23 was spirited away from Transigen by her nurse, Gabriela Lopez, who had named her Laura. Gabriela wanted to get her to North Dakota to the mutant haven known as Eden, and tried to get Logan to help them.

Will Laura be poisoned by adamantium?

Logan's skeleton is completely covered in Adamantium, making him more indestructible. So yes. Laura will get Adamantium poisoning, but it will not be as much (or even lethal). Her body should even be able to fight off the poisoning easier, as she was exposed to it at a much earlier age than Logan was.

Will Laura be the new Wolverine?

Laura Kinney was played by Dafne Keen in the 2017 movie, Logan. And now this regenerated version is the Wolverine of the new X-Men comic book launching in July. "It's my privilege and honor to be reteamed with Pepe Larraz as we throw beautiful and deadly threats at the X-Men beginning in July," Gerry Duggan said.

Is there a female version of Wolverine?

According to Yahoo Movies, Marvel has introduced a female Wolverine the their comic book continuity. However, this new female Wolverine is not merely a gender-swapped Logan – as he just died in the aptly-titled Death of Wolverine story arc – but rather his protégé Laura Kinney, a.k.a. X-23.

What happens to Laura after Logan dies?

When X-24 mortally wounded Logan, Laura killed him by shooting him with an adamantium bullet through the head. She comforted Logan as he died, then buried him.

What happened to Laura in Logan?

When X-24 mortally wounded Logan, Laura killed him by shooting him with an adamantium bullet through the head. She comforted Logan as he died, then buried him.