Are INFJs Highly Intelligent?

Are INFJs highly intelligent?

INFJs are often viewed as highly intelligent people, but understand their type of intelligence is important. ... Something which the INFJ is very connected to is their intuition, and this certainly is a type of unique intelligence they possess.

What personality type are INFJs attracted to?

1. Kindness. As sensitive personalities, INFJs feel attracted to people who show kindness towards others. Extraverted Feeling is their auxiliary function, which means INFJs try to connect in a gentle way, and appreciate those who can do the same.

Are INFJs really that rare?

The INFJ is thought to be the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, making up only 1-3 percent of the population. ... Private and mysterious, INFJs will reveal those layers slowly — if ever at all! Let's dive into some of the “secrets” of the rarest personality type in the world.

Are INFJ good in bed?

INFJs often have a very intense energy to begin with, and this can certainly translate into sex. They often take time to really trust people and let them in, and this is the same when it comes to their sex life. ... INFJs are also very passionate people who often have their own sexual desires and fantasies.

Are INFJs good liars?

In general, INFJs are least likely to lie. Therefore, they are also not very good at lying. They usually tell things as they are and this is the main reason why they sometimes come off as distant or unapproachable.

Why are INFJs so attractive?

INFJs have a strong intuition that helps us to understand people on an emotional level and we like to help others in order to make this world a better place for everyone. This combination makes INFJ women extremely attractive because we want to create something meaningful with our lives.

Who is INFJ soulmate?

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, INFJ's natural partner is the ENTP, or the ENFP. INFJ's dominant function of Introverted Intuition is best matched with a personality type that is dominated by Extraverted Intuition.

Why are INFJs so rare?

Some possible explanations for the relative rarity of INFJs may be due to the fact that we're just not in situations where the test is offered, or maybe we don't want to take the test, says Dr. Carla Stebbins, a New-York based certified MBTI practitioner who works in higher education.

Why do INFJs hate birthdays?

The main reason why the majority of INFJs dislike their own birthday is because we believe that we don't deserve to be celebrated. Think about it as if you are receiving a medal. ... And yet, you feel an inner heaviness, so you think to yourself: “That other guy deserves it more than me” and “I don't deserve this”.

Do INFJs like to cuddle?

To love an INFJ, set aside time to get to know them! ... Let them know exactly what you love about them and how much you appreciate having them in your life. They are also likely to appreciate hugs, touches and other physical displays of affection.

Can INFJ be rude?

INFJs really don't appreciate rudeness and can have a hard time really dealing with it. ... INFJs do often try to avoid this type of altercation, but they won't be afraid of standing up for themselves and others if it feels necessary.

Why INFJs are the worst?

Unhealthy INFJs are chronic people-pleasers who never want to disappoint. 7. They become so involved with other people's problems that they can't focus on their own. Likewise, they become so bogged down with other people's emotions that their day is often ruined because someone else is having a bad day.

Are INFJs physically attractive?

They do notice beauty in the world around them, and will be put off by poor hygiene- but this doesn't mean that the INFJ will refuse to help someone because of their physical appearance. ... INFJs enjoy beauty, but are often capable of seeing it in the strangest of places.

Who INFJ attracted to?

INFJs are often attracted to people who are passionate souls, with so much going on inside of them. They are drawn to those who possess depth and are capable of expressing this in their own unique ways. Someone who is shallow is truly unappealing to the INFJ and is highly unlikely to interest them at all.

Are INFJs clingy?

INFJs are incredibly loyal, and when they love, they love more deeply and fiercely than even they can fathom; they desperately want the people in their life to feel appreciated. However, this behavior can backfire, as constant communication and “How are you doing? Are you doing OK?” can be seen as clingy.

Who should INFJ t marry?

Considering INFJ from the Myers-Briggs list of personalities perspective, the generally accepted ideal match is the ENTP personality. In addition, ENFP is also a great match as it can inspire and stimulate INFJs, while ENFJ can support the humanist function of INFJs'.

Do INFJs fall in love easily?

INFJs definitely fall in love hard when they do, but this does not happen quickly. They often take time before really opening up to someone, and so falling in love can be a slow process for the INFJ. ... They feel everything so deeply, and so for them falling in love is a very serious and intense experience.

Do INFJs hate birthdays?

The main reason why the majority of INFJs dislike their own birthday is because we believe that we don't deserve to be celebrated. Think about it as if you are receiving a medal. ... And yet, you feel an inner heaviness, so you think to yourself: “That other guy deserves it more than me” and “I don't deserve this”.

Are INFJs control freaks?

And to your question, all INFJs are not control freaks. Agree very much with your response. I find INFJs have an inability to be controlling of others imo.

Can INFJs be manipulative?

INFJs don't always use their qualities for good, they can also be master manipulators — our intuition makes it easy for the INFJ to pick up on cues and find “weak spots” in people — prey on those — and then get what is needed.