Where Can I Buy Rosa Food?

Where can I buy Rosa food?

How to Find the Potatoes to Feed Rosa in Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. Max Hoss is upset about Bombate's plan since he and Rosa the Pig are friends, so you'll need to find some potatoes to feed her. To get the potatoes you'll need to go to the Cantina.

How do I feed Rosa?

Off to the sides you will find small rooms and stairs that give you access to the upper level. In these areas you can find potatoes. Pick up the potatoes that are on the ground and in the area and take them back to Rosa the pig. You can feed her the potatoes and you'll complete this fun little side quest.

Where is Maria wolfenstein2?

She's in the canteen polishing her Luger. If you give her the red monkey wrench she'll be polishing that. This side quest is glitched though, it didn't pop for me until I finished ALL the enigma missions. Thank you for your compliance and answer.

What weapons should I upgrade in Wolfenstein 2?

Best Upgrade: Suppressor The silenced pistol is the only gun in the game that is conducive to stealth. On all regular enemies, a single shot to the head is an instant kill with the suppressed Pistole, and a lot of sections in the game are a lot easier when you're able to sneak around.

How do you get to section F in Wolfenstein?

Take another right immediately, run all the way down to the other end of the ship, and head down the stairs just to your left. Once you're down to the bottom level, run around the corner and Section F will be on your right, behind the mangled green lockers.

How do you use the Enigma machine in Wolfenstein?

1:112:07Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus - Enigma Mini Game - YouTubeYouTube

Where is the monkey wrench in Wolfenstein 2?

Side-Mission: Find Maria's Red Monkey Wrench From the Hanger head down to the bottom level (Level 3) and proceed through the far hall, and then to the Shooting Gallery compartment where you will find the Red Monkey Wrench on the work table that is between the Shooting Range and the Killhouse on the main level.

Where is the hanger in Wolfenstein 2?

Head to the hangar located on the highest floor of the ship (where the helicopter can be found).

Can you get all 3 contraptions in Wolfenstein 2?

All three contraptions can be collected after completing the main game, so they are not missable. You can also unlock the perks for each contraption after you gain the contraption itself.

What should I choose in Wolfenstein 2?

Wolfenstein 2 - Which Contraption Should You Choose?
  • Stealth - Constrictor Harness. The Constrictor Harness will compress your torso and allow you to squeeze through gaps and pipes that would be impossible for a man the size of Blazkowicz. ...
  • Mayhem - Ram Shackles. ...
  • Tactical - Battle Walkers.

Where is Section F on Eva's hammer?

Once you're down to the bottom level, run around the corner and Section F will be on your right, behind the mangled green lockers.

How do I get out of Section F?

Exit Section F
  1. You receive a new objective - exit section F. ...
  2. In the middle of the room you can find a laser turret - you can pick it up and use it in the same way as you did during Under Siege mission.
  3. Kill all enemies, pick up items and then climb up a ladder located in the south part of the map.

Does Wolfenstein 2 have multiple endings?

While most of this content takes you back to familiar levels in the game, there is one mission that takes you somewhere brand new. That's right, there is a secret ending and final mission to unlock in Wolfenstein 2. Unlocking the mission is tied directly into the assassinations and Kill Board seen above.

How do you farm Enigma codes in Wolfenstein 2?

0:001:12Wolfenstein 2- How to farm for Enigma Codes (Post-Game) - YouTubeYouTube

Should I save Fergus or Wyatt?

If you save Fergus, he gives you the LaserKraftWerk from the first game, an energy weapon capable of disintegrating foes and blowing down obstacles. Choose Wyatt and you'll get the DieselKraftWerk, an explosive minethrowing weapon capable of blowing up clusters of enemies and dealing heavy damage to robotic foes.

Does Wyatt lose his arm?

This happened in the first game but the outcome is still present in Wolfenstein 2. This will result in Wyatt being alive in your game and he will be part of your Nazi-hunting crew. ... Fergus loses his arm if you save him and obviously that affects how well he can fight in the game.

How many hours is Wolfenstein 2?

For those looking for a direct answer, we can confirm that Wolfenstein 2 takes about 7-10 hours to complete if players are going to rush through the story on a lower difficulty.

What do Enigma codes do in Wolfenstein 2?

Enigma codes are special collectibles in the game. The codes are used to track down Ãœberkommandants - once you do that, you can go on a mission to kill the opponent and obtain the Skull card that he drops, which is one of the collectibles in the game (it is also connected with two trophies/achievements in the game).

Is it better to save Wyatt or Fergus?

If you save Fergus, he gives you the LaserKraftWerk from the first game, an energy weapon capable of disintegrating foes and blowing down obstacles. Choose Wyatt and you'll get the DieselKraftWerk, an explosive minethrowing weapon capable of blowing up clusters of enemies and dealing heavy damage to robotic foes.

Who is better to save Wyatt or Fergus?

Save Wyatt Choose to sacrifice Fergus and you will be rewarded with a very loyal companion in Wyatt. Much more mild-mannered than Fergus, Wyatt will get along with most everyone aboard the Evas Hammer. It seems that Wyatt has taken up a new hobby.