What Happens To Lane In Gilmore Girl?

What happens to Lane in Gilmore Girl?

Unfortunately, fans of Lane from Gilmore Girls may have been disappointed in the revival because it showed the character never having left Stars Hollow. Instead, Lane settled down with her husband and twin boys (via Entertainment Weekly), and she worked alongside her mother, Mrs. Kim, in her family's antique shop.

What is Lane in Gilmore Girls?

Fans will recall how Lane spent the first few seasons of Gilmore Girls hiding her true, music-obsessed self from her strict and devout mother, Mrs. Kim. Lane keeps CDs, make-up, clothes and drumsticks under the floorboards of her bedroom and has transformed her closet into a psychedelic hideout.

Is Lane in Gilmore Girls year in the life?

The only glimmer of hope for Lane fans is that on the 2016 revival, "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life," she seems genuinely happy with her husband and sons, and she's still passionately playing the drums for Hep Alien. At the same time, Rory's love life is a mess and her career lacks purpose.

Did Lane really play drums Gilmore Girls?

Fans know that Lane loved her drums. That love did spill over into Agena's personal life, but only when she started playing on Gilmore Girls. ... During an AMA session on Reddit in 2015, Agena touched on her drumming lessons and revealed that she continued playing the drums after Gilmore Girls ended.

Who is Lane's baby daddy?

The presence of her father, Mr. Kim, is something that is debated among fans, with Lane often referring to her "parents", especially in the earlier seasons, but while Mr. Kim never appears on the original series, we see him for a few moments in A Year in the Life.

Does Lane Kim have a baby?

Once Lane and Zack told Mrs. Kim that Lane was pregnant, she wanted them to live with her. ... Toward the end of Season 7 , Lane gave birth to twin boys: Steve and Kwan.

Why does Lane leave for Korea?

To her mom, she was a devout, docile daughter who never dared disobey her mama. But to everyone else in Stars Hollow (and to fans watching), Lane was a girl with a mind of her own from the start. ... Kim (Emily Kuroda) shipped Lane off to Korea without notifying her daughter of the return date.

What are Lane's babies names?

Kwan Van Gerbig is the twin brother of Steve and son of Lane and Zack.

Why did Lane get pregnant?

Before Rory Gilmore, it was Lane Kim who dropped a pregnancy bombshell in Stars Hollow. ... She's fighting with Zack and then all of a sudden she's engaged to Zack and in an instant she gets pregnant after having sex for the first time during their honeymoon,” Agena, 44, exclusively tells Us Weekly.

Who does Lane have a baby with?

Brian also continued to live with Lane and Zack. Toward the end of Season 7 , Lane gave birth to twin boys: Steve and Kwan.

What happened Paris Geller?

In the revival, it was revealed that she went into reproductive medicine, running a successful surrogacy/fertility clinic in New York known as Dynasty Makers, which Lorelai and Luke visit while considering having a child of their own.

Does Lane have a baby?

Once Lane and Zack told Mrs. Kim that Lane was pregnant, she wanted them to live with her. ... Toward the end of Season 7 , Lane gave birth to twin boys: Steve and Kwan.

Does Paris Geller get pregnant?

But while her one-liners and overall personality is just as amazing as ever, her return also carried a few surprises with it, including the fact that Paris has kids in the Gilmore Girls revival. That's right, my friends. Paris Geller is now a mother of two children and the father is none other than Doyle himself!

Did Paris have a crush on Rory?

In the fourth episode of the series and the third episode Paris appears in, she stalks up to Rory and quotes the first half of Shakespeare's “Sonnet 116” (a notoriously not heterosexual piece of poetry). ... The scene is framed as rivalry, with Paris doing this to intimidate Rory not because she has a massive crush on her.

What did Paris Geller become?

An over-achiever, she seeks out every position she can hold at Chilton, becoming both editor of the school paper, the The Franklin, and president of the student council. ... Paris does not get accepted into her dream school Harvard. She then gets accepted to Yale.

Who was Paris kissing?

Victoria McNally, of Revelist, applauded the scene and called their bond "the most constant relationship in the entire show". Paris and Rory's kiss in the seventeenth episode of Season 4 was met with anticipation from viewers and the media, drawing attention from Fox News, Spin magazine, and other journalists.