Is Qi RA Darth Maul&039;s Apprentice?

Is Qi RA Darth Maul&039;s apprentice? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is Qi RA Darth Maul's apprentice?

Darth Maul has been training Qi'ra as his apprentice and has taught her Teras Kasi.

Is Qi RA in any other Star Wars?

She couldn't have been in the prequels, the timeline is wrong. Qi'ra and Han are around the same age, and Han is born in 29 BBY. ... But when it comes to the TV series, a Qi'ra crossover is not out of the question. She wouldn't be in The Clone Wars, those are set during the prequels when she was a child.

What happened to Qi RA at the end of Solo?

Though the two attempted to escape the gang and Corellia as a whole with a stolen vial of coaxium, Qi'ra was ultimately caught, with Han escaping while promising to come back for her. Qi'ra was sold into slavery, eventually ending up in the hands of Dryden Vos (Paul Bettany).

Why is Darth Maul alive in Solo?

Thought dead, Darth Maul survived his injuries by focusing on his hatred of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the Jedi who cut him in half. His shattered body was dumped amid the refuse of the junk planet Lotho Minor, where the once deadly warrior fell into madness, staying alive on a diet of vermin.

Why did Qi Ra stay?

As Dryden mentions to Han, “once you're part of Crimson Dawn, you can't leave." In departing suddenly Qi'ra is sparing Han her fate of being trapped in service to a ruthless criminal organization.

Why does Qi RA leave Solo?

After lying that Beckett had in fact killed Vos, Qi'ra was then ordered to bring the yacht to Dathomir, Maul's homeworld, and that she would be working more closely with Maul, leaving Solo behind.

Is Dryden Vos a Mandalorian?

Vos is a collector of sorts, who not only fancies Mandalorian gear but possibly the Dark Side of the Force as well. In the background, there appears to be a Sith Holocron (or artwork portraying it), which would be a fun way of including Force yielders within the film.

Will there be a solo 2?

While fans continue to push for Lucasfilm to revisit the franchise with a sequel film, those connected with the film have been frank in noting there are no plans for a follow-up film. As Ron Howard told CinemaBlend when asked about the chance of furthering the Solo franchise, “there's no sequel planned.”