Is El Chavo Dead?

Is El Chavo dead? Essa é a pergunta que vamos responder e mostrar uma maneira simples de se lembrar dessa informação. Portanto, é essencial você conferir a matéria completamente.

Is El Chavo dead?

He is mostly known by his acting role Chavo from the sitcom El Chavo del 8....11 more rows

When did profesor Jirafales died?

J Rubén Aguirre/Date of death

How tall is Ruben Aguirre?

1.96 m Rubén Aguirre/Height

How did El Chavo del 8 died?

Aguirre, who was best known as Professor Jirafales on popular 1971–80 television show El Chavo del Ocho, died in Puerto Vallarta from complications from pneumonia. He had been hospitalized in May, but was released on June 7 to rest at home, where he passed away.

How old is El Chavo?

eight-year-old El Chavo del Ocho is an eight-year-old orphan and the main character of the series. "Chavo" is a Mexican Spanish slang for "kid"; Chavo's real name is not known, but is supposed to be Chente, short for Vicente, after a supposed friend that nobody has ever met and according to Chavo, looks a lot like himself.