Is The PS1 Version Of Chrono Trigger Good?

Is the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger good?

Chrono Trigger has some loading issues, but I was still able to play it just fine. It is indeed probably the weakest version of the game, however. ... It's a not-so-great port, but it's a not-so-great port of one of the greatest games ever made - so I'd really only skip it if you have access to one of the other versions.

Is Chrono Trigger released on PS1?

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Is Chrono Trigger Rare?

Chrono Trigger is not a rare game, and the cartridge alone can be bought for twenty bucks with a watchful eye and patience. The labeling of the game as rare may simply be a ploy to attract more buyers and increase the perceived value of the game.

Will Chrono Trigger come to PS4?

The first game from Square Enix's Tokyo RPG Factory, I Am Setsuna, will come to PlayStation 4 and Windows PC via Steam July 19, the publisher announced today. I Am Setsuna draws its artistic and gameplay inspirations from classic Japanese role-playing games, Square Enix says.

Why was Chrono Trigger so good?

Chrono Trigger has great music & sound, the graphics are pretty to look at as well as fantastic for the time, the UI is nice and clean, the story is interesting, lots of replayability with multiple endings, a battle system that is brisk and fun, a good balance of difficulty, and plenty of optional things for players to ...

Should I grind in Chrono Trigger?

Do you need to grind in Chrono Trigger? - Quora. Yes and no. If you opt not to do the 'optional' side quests at the end of the game you may need to level grind. If you do these quests you'll gain plenty of level ups in order to fight Lavos as normal.

Is Chrono Trigger on PS5?

Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy-inspired Cris Tales delayed to 2021. ... Cris Tales is slated to launch on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, Stadia, and PC sometime in the early part of next year.

Which is the best Chrono Trigger ending?

Chrono Trigger's 10 Best Endings (& How To Get Them)
  • 3 Ending 3: The Dream Project.
  • 4 Ending 4: The Successor Of Guardia. ...
  • 5 Ending 10: Dino Age. ...
  • 6 Ending 11: What The Prophet Seeks. ...
  • 7 Ending 6: The Legendary Hero. ...
  • 8 Ending 7: The Unknown Past. ...
  • 9 Ending 1: Beyond Time. ...
  • 10 Ending 2: Reunion. ...

What is the max level in Chrono Trigger?

In Chrono Trigger, the maximum level is 99, displayed as ** in your status screen. Maxing out levels is not required to beat the game's most difficult enemies, and is only for players that are willing to put in several more hours of game time.

Does Chrono Trigger Have New Game Plus?

Chrono Trigger An ending exclusive to New Game+ is The Frog Ending. To get this ending, fight Lavos through the right Telepod after rescuing Queen Leene from Manolia Cathedral. Contrary to popular belief, the developer room ending is accessible without New Game +.

Which is better FF6 or Chrono Trigger?

I think as a game, Chrono Trigger is slightly better but as an experience, Final Fantasy VI wins. ... It's not just the best game in the series, but an overall fantastic game.

How many endings does Chrono Cross have?

12 endings This game has 12 endings in all -- two of which can be unlocked during your first playthrough, while the remaining 10 are only accessible in New Game + or Continue +.

What is the real ending of Chrono Trigger?

The standard ending of the game, Crono wakes in bed similar to the beginning of the game, but instead a soldier tells him his execution is to be carried out. ... To get this ending defeat Lavos anywhere except the Ocean Palace, but after Crono is brought back with the Chrono Trigger.