Is Claptrap Good In Borderlands?

Is Claptrap good in Borderlands?

Is claptrap good or bad? Well...he's both. He's the perfect balanced character, capable of solid solo play (with the boomtrap tree) and incredible support with a team (best buds forever tree). The way you play ultimately dictates the kind of build you should make your claptrap.

Is Claptrap a Fragtrap?

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel With this glitchy, questionably legal software installed, Claptrap is renamed "FR4G-TP", or "Fragtrap", and added to a group of Vault Hunters hired by Jack - Athena, Nisha, and Wilhelm - to help him search for a hidden Vault on Elpis, the moon of Pandora.

Is Claptrap a boy?

Claptrap is a fictional character that appears in the Gearbox Software video game series Borderlands. Claptrap is a CL4P-TP general purpose robot manufactured by Hyperion and has been programmed with an overenthusiastic personality....6 more rows

Is Claptrap a playable character?

First seen in 2009's Borderlands, Claptrap marks his return but this time, he's playable. ... The Claptrap we meet in the first Borderlands is the same as the Claptrap seen in Borderlands 2 and the playable class in Borderlands the Pre-Sequel. Claptrap's point of view is lower than other characters because he is so small.

What happened to Claptrap at the end of Borderlands?

At the completion of the game, Claptrap is reprogrammed (by Hyperion), and rebranded as the "Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap." The INAC was programmed to kill off the Vault hunters indirectly, by "poisoning, setting traps, and spreading catty rumors" about them.

Is it worth playing as Claptrap?

To be fair, Claptrap isn't nearly as strong as other character classes, which we mentioned in our class breakdown. In fact, the game asks if you're sure you want to play as Claptrap, merely because he's the weakest character overall. However, he's not completely worthless, since he's able to activate a VaultHunter.

What happens when you find all dead Claptrap?

Claptrap will first notify the player of his plans when they get close to the location of a dead Claptrap unit (eg. seeing it on the minimap). ... All dead Claptrap units met their end in a typically humorous situation, and contain a single functioning mechanism that Claptrap will ask the Vault Hunters to collect.

Why did they replace Claptrap?

The reason why Claptrap sounds different in Borderlands 3 is simple, and it's because original voice actor David Eddings won't be reprising his role in the sequel. ... Eddings revealed these details on Twitter, adding that Gearbox told him “they couldn't afford” to hire him to work on the sequel.

What does CL4P TP stand for?

General Purpose Robots CL4P-TP General Purpose Robots, more commonly known as Claptraps are Hyperion manufactured work robots.

What happens when you find all the dead Claptraps?

Once all 35 Dead Claptrap challenges are completed, the player is rewarded with two identical Baby Maker pistols, one from Claptrap and one from VR-0N1CA.

Is a claptrap not entitled?

"Is a claptrap not entitled to the oil of his brow? No, says the man at Hyperion, it belongs to his owner.

What happened to all the Claptraps?

At the end of the Claptastic Voyage story, Jack eliminates the Claptrap product line, destroying all of them except for Fragtrap. Jack shoots it, rips off its stair-climbing wheel, and dumps it with other destroyed claptraps in Windshear Waste.

Does Claptrap need an Oz kit?

While an Oz Kit is required to perform a slam, slams do not require oxygen to be performed. Claptrap does not consume oxygen when in a vacuum and will never have an oxygen bubble form over himself.

Where is the Claptrap in the drought?

The location of the first Dead Claptrap unit in The Droughts. Stop off at the Catch-A-Ride and Fast Travel point pit stop area directly south on the map from the entrance of Ascension Bluff. Just south from the vending machines and Catch-A-Ride station, you'll find the dead Claptrap unit onto top of a broken down car.

Where is the dead Claptrap on Carnivora?

This dead Claptrap can be found in a small hidden room in the region of Carnivora, located in the Stacked Deck bandit town near the start of the region. As soon as you enter the stacked deck, move south through the town while hanging along the left side, and you'll find an open doorway with a red light shining out.

How many dead Claptrap parts are there?

35 Dead Claptrap Dead Claptrap quests are considered Crew Challenges, hidden collectibles that can be found throughout each playable map, and are listed in "Zone Progress" in the map tab by pressing R. There are 35 Dead Claptrap challenges in total.

Should I play Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel first?

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel mostly takes place in-between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, but you should play Borderlands 2 before diving into The Pre-Sequel. ... Dialogue also contains spoilers for the events of Borderlands 2. Because of this, we recommend you play Borderlands 2 before Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.

Why does Claptrap need an Oz kit?

While an Oz Kit is required to perform a slam, slams do not require oxygen to be performed. Claptrap does not consume oxygen when in a vacuum and will never have an oxygen bubble form over himself. The oxygen stored within his Oz Kit only begins to deplete when performing boosts or oxygen-reviving fallen Vault Hunters.

What happens if you get all claptrap parts?

Every piece you find will reward you with some XP, which is handy if you're on the Borderlands 3 leveling sprint, some Eridium, and other goodies, including some context from Claptrap (some will argue this dialogue is a punishment).

What happens when you find all dead claptrap?

Claptrap will first notify the player of his plans when they get close to the location of a dead Claptrap unit (eg. seeing it on the minimap). ... All dead Claptrap units met their end in a typically humorous situation, and contain a single functioning mechanism that Claptrap will ask the Vault Hunters to collect.