Can You Destroy The Hive Re4?

Can you destroy the hive re4?

The Novistador nest located in the Dance hall can be destroyed. When it has been destroyed, a short cutscene will play and a large number of Red, Blue, or Green Eyes will fall, along with two Novistadores that die on impact with the floor. Destroying the nest requires a decent amount of ammo.

Is re4 hard on professional?

On Pro the difficulty stays locked at maximum all the time regardless of how you play. So for example, on Pro, no matter how much you get hit, enemies will always deal the same amount of damage per blow (which could be as high as ~half a fully upgraded health-bar in later chapters).

When can I sell the infrared scope?

You can sell it anytime but if your good at knifing regenerators you don't need to kill it with ammo.

How do you get blue eyes in re4?

One of the ways to farm this item is to save the game right at the beginning of Chapter 3-2, where Leon enters the waterway, and kill the Novistadores until one of them drops a blue eye.

What goes in the crown in Resident Evil 4?

The Crown is a treasure worth 9,000 PTAS. Do not sell it alone because it's one of few treasures that can be combined together to form a more expensive treasure. Combine the Crown with the Crown Jewel and Royal Insignia to make the Salazar Family Crown.

How hard is re4?

Very first time it is hard. Opening village level you might have problems with. Few other parts. Just stick it out and when you replay it you get a lot back and start out just as strong!

Is re4 separate ways hard?

Seperate ways is a lot shorter and hard in some ways that the normal game. I found that some parts (i played it after my first run of the main game) were really difficult because of too many enemies/strength of enemies were too high and too many lol.

What is the purpose of regenerator?

Regenerators are compact heat exchangers in which heat is alternately stored and removed using a heat storage matrix. During the heating period, the hot gas passes through the regenerator and transfers heat to the matrix.

Which is the function of regenerator?

Regenerators can be used for exhaust-gas heat exchange or for intercooling in gas-turbine systems. As an exhaust-gas heat exchanger, a regenerator recovers heat from the exhaust and uses it to preheat the compressed air before the compressed air enters the combustor.

Should I sell the infrared scope re4?

You can go ahead and sell it. There's only one more regenerator later in the game, and you can easily run right past it if you want to (or knife it or shoot it with something else or whatever).

Is the scope worth it re4?

The scope was not worth it in the Gamecube version and it isn't worth it now. The zoom on the rifle is good enough as it is.

What is Toxapex hidden ability?

Limber. Regenerator (hidden ability)

How much HP does regenerator restore?

In battle. Regenerator restores ⅓ of the Pokémon's maximum HP upon switching out.

Are flash grenades good re4?

The Flash Grenade instantly kills crows and exposed Plaga that has burst from any Ganado, Colmillos, Armadura. This grenade takes up two blocks of the attache case and it is recommended to plan on preserving space for it. They can be sold for 500₧.

How do you beat Iron Maiden in re4?

It should also be noted that Iron Maidens possess a hidden Plaga on their back. The only way to get it is to shoot one of the legs first, then after they fall the plaga is visible to shoot. It's also a good idea to carry around a Hand Grenade as a means to defeat them from safe distances.